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Главная » 2020 » Декабрь » 22 » Новости
Why you should use SMS mailing in business IntisTele

Фотография к новости Why you should use SMS mailing in business IntisTele

The IntisTele brand makes it easy to use SMS campaigns through an intuitive admin panel. It allows you to create a mass sms sending from your computer, as well as analyze previously performed actions. IntisTele allows you to personalize sent SMS, making each campaign best SMS gateway provider unique and outstanding among competitors. Sent messages can have abbreviated versions of links to the client page or a specific subpage, which, in turn, simplifies their use and at the same time looks better in the finished SMS. The audience of mass SMS newsletters can be increased thanks to a special Facebook application, as well as personalized accordingly by receiving information about them.

Take advantage of discount SMS messages

An interesting marketing solution is the ability to receive discounts for sms messages. This treatment is used by more and more customers, both from the service sector and manufacturers. This method is that the recipient, having received an SMS with a certain discount, can use it for services or products of a particular company.

  • This form is certainly an effective advertising procedure, which has been tested in many campaigns and enjoys great interest.
  • IntisTele allows you to send these types of messages through its sms platform.
  • At the moment, the company offers unique conditions for its customers. If you want to achieve the desired success, then use the services of SMS mailing.

Everything will be implemented in the best possible way. It is also worth paying attention to a completely new level of joint cooperation.

Marketing at the highest level

Today's audience is becoming increasingly demanding, both in terms of the content being transmitted and the form in which it is delivered. The fast pace of life requires the use of methods that will allow you to quickly get to the recipient no matter where he is. The Sms campaigns offered by IntisTele meet the highest requirements for these types of activities and are well established in any industry. Using sms campaigns for advertising activities is an opportunity to effectively reach a potential customer and influence their purchase decisions. Phone users, despite this possibility, rarely delete a message without reading it. This allows you to really reach your offer to millions of people across the country.

Просмотров: 1659 | Добавил: work | Теги: mailing, IntisTele, should, Business
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